Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to some of the most common questions received.
Legal Disclaimer: This area is for informational purposes only. You are urged to seek professional advice before investing in Autoscope Technologies Corporation's common stock.
Where is Autoscope Technologies Corporation traded and what is its ticker symbol?
Autoscope Technologies Corporation trades on the OTCQX Market under the symbol “AATC.” U.S. investors can find current financial disclosures and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the company on www.otcmarkets.com.
When did Autoscope Technologies Corporation complete stock offerings?
Image Sensing Systems, Inc. the predecessor issuer, completed its initial public offering in June 1995 with a sale of 990,000 shares of common stock. Image Sensing Systems, Inc. completed a secondary offering in April 2010, selling 798,000 shares of common stock. Autoscope Technologies Corporation, the successor issuer, has not initiated or completed any stock offerings.
Does Autoscope Technologies Corporation have a Direct Stock Purchase Plan or a Re-investment Plan?
No, Autoscope Technologies Corporation does not presently offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan or a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. If you would like to purchase shares in Autoscope Technologies Corporation, please contact your broker.
When and where was Autoscope Technologies Corporation incorporated?
Autoscope Technologies Corporation was incorporated in the state of Minnesota on April 23, 2021 when it began operations.
What is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's fiscal year?
Autoscope Technologies Corporation's fiscal year is based upon the calendar year, with the first day of the fiscal year on January 1st, and the last day of the fiscal year on December 31st. Autoscope Technologies Corporation's first quarter ends on March 31st, second quarter ends June 30th, third quarter ends September 30th, and fourth quarter ends December 31st.
Where is Autoscope Technologies Corporation located?
Autoscope Technologies Corporation and Image Sensing Systems, Inc. headquarters are located at 1115 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403.
Who are Autoscope Technologies Corporation's independent auditors?
Boulay PLLP is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's independent auditors.
Who is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's legal counsel?
Winthrop and Weinstine, P.A. is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's legal counsel.
Who is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's transfer agent?
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company is Autoscope Technologies Corporation's transfer agent.